Highly recommended is Richard Dawkins' documentary on Channel4 called "Enemies of Reason", which is available on Google Video Part 1 Part 2 Dawkins, I would say, practices a bit more patience than I am used to seeing him display. Additionally, the camera work is rather striking for a documentary produced for television. I wonder if …
Category Archive: TV
Sep 12 2006
The Wire is still the best show on TV
Heads up, people. The finest show being made right now just opened up its fourth season. If you're behind, get thee to Netflix and set your Tivo. The Wire has consistently provided a difficult, nuanced, extremely rewarding portrayal of the life of Baltimore cops and criminals. David Simon tops his already wonderful work on Homicide: …
Oct 05 2005
Prison Break is the dumbest show I watch religiously
I don't like prison shows. No matter how many people told me that Oz was great, there was no way I was going to sit in for the unending misery of Nazi cliques and regular rape. Sorry. Also, frankly I'm a bit tired of conspiracy shows. I couldn't stand the X-Files or Alias. There have …