1. The president is rusty or worn out. As Jake Tapper tells it (no link), this is the version of Obama from the summer of 2007, where the listless senator lazily moved from chore to rhetorical chore at the stump. He didn't prepare enough, didn't expect much from his opponent, and didn't think he needed …
Category Archive: Politics
May 18 2011
People, we are heading off a cliff!
Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) recently said in an interview with CNBC that our creditors would accept the US defaulting on its debt "for a day or two or three or four". Ryan is widely considered to be the intellectual leader of the GOP, so much so that Newt Gingrich was recently prompted to apologize to …
May 10 2011
A lie about Social Security that won't go away
People like Alan Simpson and Rick Santorum want to cut Social Security benefits because, as Simpson says, It was never intended as a retirement program. It was set up in ‘37 and ‘38 to take care of people who were in distress -- ditch diggers, wage earners -- it was to give them 43 percent …
Jan 11 2011
Default, Jerry!
This week, the governor of California, Jerry Brown, announced his intent to advance major austerity measures. Nothing here is terribly surprising. Some 12.5B dollars must be cut, in addition to (hopefully) raising taxes in order to raise another $12B. State employees are looking at an 8-10% pay cut, with several units taking 3-day-per-month furloughs. State …
Dec 16 2010
Duh: Fox News makes you less informed
From Page 22 of the University of Maryland's study on misinformation in the 2010 election: Those who watched Fox News almost daily were significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe that: -most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses (12 points more likely) -most economists have estimated the health care law …