
Author's details

Name: Jessica Dennis
Date registered: 11/30/-0001

Latest posts

  1. Being Nice is Stupid: A Lesson Learned from My Cat — 2/9/2009
  2. Upgrade — 2/3/2009
  3. Products — 9/29/2008
  4. Drives me crazy — 6/2/2008
  5. Not very much fun at all — 5/9/2008

Author's posts listings

Aug 11 2005

Non-Linguistic Pet Peeve

Fearmongering. Idiotic fearmongering. You know (or maybe you're fortunate enough not to know), those emails people send that are all FWD:fwd:Fwd:Re:DANGER! And then go on to describe a more or less completely implausible scenario in which you will be knocked out and sold into slavery, infected with AIDS or some other dread disease, or killed, …

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Aug 08 2005

LPP 28

According to a recent press release: UC Riverside now has more than 17,000 students, 2,000 staff members and nearly more than 800 faculty members. Um. Nearly more than? So, exactly 800, then? Proofread, people--always proofread.

Jul 29 2005

I still think dinosaurs are awesome

When I was little, just about every grade in elementary school "science" included a unit on dinosaurs, probably because (a) kids think dinosaurs are nifty and (b) there are excellent museums in the tri-state area that feature dinosaurs, and possibly (c) they had a special government grant to produce a crop of paleontologists? if so …

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Jul 22 2005

And another (stupid) thing

It really bothers me when someone says that a show portrays [X group of people] negatively because [character who is a memer of X group of people] did something wrong. For example, from and MSNBC article about Desperate Housewives: "Almost all of the portrayals of gay people are on the negative side," Aterovis said. Among …

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Jul 20 2005

Things I love about Mac OS X

Word 2004 has a function to extract pictures from Word docs and save them to a folder. Word X does not. But this doesn't mean that you can't extract pictures from Word docs in Word X--because Preview, the pdf/image viewer, has a function to create a new document from the clipboard. Fancy. So you copy …

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