
Author's details

Name: Jessica Dennis
Date registered: 11/30/-0001

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  1. Being Nice is Stupid: A Lesson Learned from My Cat — 2/9/2009
  2. Upgrade — 2/3/2009
  3. Products — 9/29/2008
  4. Drives me crazy — 6/2/2008
  5. Not very much fun at all — 5/9/2008

Author's posts listings

Feb 07 2005

LPP 12

Split infinitives (most of the time)

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Feb 07 2005

I think my cats will eat me if I die

I'm a huge fan of putting bandaids on injuries. For example, I recently had a scrape on the back of my heel, from hiking up a large hill in inappropriate footwear on the way to a job interview. So I bandaid-and-neosporin'd it. Last night I took the bandaid off to check on the wound's progress …

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Feb 04 2005

Best (cemetery) idea ever

So, I was looking at a particular masonry supply place around here, and near it I noticed something really interesting. Directly adjacent to the March Air Reserve Base is a cemetery, the Riverside National Cemetery (for veterans). And part of that cemetery is... a golf course. Awesome. In fact, there are gravesites between some of …

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Feb 03 2005

Google is awesome

So, I've noticed for a little while now that Google, which has long been the best search engine out there, has become even better. It's--it's like it's smart now. Example: I was searching for "homemade N" and it not only found me sites that mentioned homemade N, but "making your own N" and "make your …

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Feb 03 2005

Things Christians shouldn't do

Christians and other people, too, really. 1. Simultaneously dismiss evolutionary theory and claim that homosexuality is a choice (or various other versions of bigotry) because procreation is the purpose of life. Um, if you use that particular argument against homosexuality, then you basically have to accept evolution. 2. Call themselves "pro-life" but support the death …

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