No really, I'm serious about that I/me thing
It is fortunate that the whole English-speaking world doesn't read our blog, because then Verizon would find out that we're running a server and be unhappy with us. It is unfortunate, however, because seemingly 90% of people don't know what to use I and when me.
If you are the subject of your sentence, use I. I am going to the bank. He and I will make deposits there. He is not as tall as I (because there's an implied "am" after I).
A picture of my brother and I would be a picture of my brother standing next to a letter I. A picture of my brother and me, however, includes me. You can go with me, or come to me, or go away from me, maybe even through me, over me, or under me. But never any of those things with I. Things can be written by me, by him and me, by them and me. Me, me, me. It's all about me.
I mean, really, you actually sound less weird if you use me when it should be I (like, tall as me, faster than me, things like that) than if you use I where you should use me. Particularly in speech. In writing, however, it is very much encouraged that I be used when appropriate, as one has time to really think about the parts of the sentence and self-edit when writing. Especially if you're trying to sound smart.
And fear the dreaded I's construction---the possessive of I is my (or mine, if that makes more sense in context, e.g. the cats are Reuben's and mine--they belongs to him and me).
1 comment
3/7/2005 at 7:15 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
I'm having blog deja vu.