With a MikTeX distribution it is now easy to invoke TeX so that what is output is a Firefox-compatible xhtml with MathML.
Visit the MathZilla website and download their tweaked version of TeX4ht. Extract the files to c:\tex4ht. The instructions on their site are very helpful. Basically, on my distribution of MikTeX all I had to do was to change the two .env files so that the tpm directory line read "tc:\texmf\fonts\tfm!", then added c:\tex4ht to the PATH variable and added a new variable TEXINPUTS with value c:\tex4ht (to do this in Windows XP, right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced tab, Environment Variables).
Then just call mzlatex filename.tex. This works for me, at least on one relatively simple file I had. It does not seem to handle file conversion well, so any included eps or pdf files may end up missing, and will have to be added by hand. It also erroneously indents after all equations. Your mileage will certainly vary.
Actually, in truth this tex4ht only works on my box in the lab, and at home it gives an error "Can't find/open file 'tex4ht.env' Illegal storage address" which is a load of horseshit. I've tried piling through the source code for t4ht, but it's much too convoluted. If only someone would make a self-contained, object-oriented tex to xml convertor...
Stay tuned.
1 comment
3/6/2005 at 7:57 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
What the fuck are you talking about? Am I such a moron? Damn, I feel stupid. S.T.O.O.P.I.D.