

Nov 16 2009

AVS Conference notes (unedited): Day 3

10:40am Ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM) study of hot electrons in Cu film. Lots of questions, mostly because this paper is kind of full of crap and nobody knows what he's talking about. He can't answer the questions, and is trying to intimidate. Lots of people filing in at the end.

11:00am XPS of fuel cell membrane. 30 um x-ray spot (1.2 mil), not bad. Map out the composition. People came for this? All he seems to say is that Pt doesn't diffuse into the nafion.

11:20am Study of materials on steel. Shallow interfaces so that xps can go thru. Valence band XPS. Have to compare w/ band structure calculations. Blah.

11:40am XPS data analysis software. Real-time analysis of XPS. This speaker is terrible. The program is ridiculous. It would never work in a reliable way; xps interpretation isn't that easy. He gave me a good idea about my XPS signal to noise program, though. I should be integrating in Labview instead of taking the peak height. Some computational overhead, but probably worth it.

Oh god, Bartels is talking later. Eh, I can't take this today. I'm bailing.