I have a new car, about which I will post later, when I have some pictures (taken with the world's crappiest digital camera, as we have yet to replace the cameras that were stolen).
So. Slimfast from a can. Dear God, it can be horrible. How can they call this flavor chocolate? How does adding protein make it so much more foul than the ordinary chocolate canned slimfast? What the hell kind of protein are they using? Catfood? Paint? It tastes like paint, but I didn't think paint had protein in it. Shudder.
And let us not even speak of the vanilla flavor--though I'm not sure if it's more or less offensive not to have that hint of chocolate to mitigate the paintiness--the vanilla is all paint, all the time.
The cappuccino flavor is ok, it's palatable, so long as it's really cold and is not drunk directly from the can (all canned slimfast will taste exactly like dirty pocket change when drunk straight from the can), but it, unsettlingly, makes one's pee smell like coffee for like, three days. It's truly disturbing.
I'm scared of the strawberry-in-the-can. Terrified. I imagine it must taste like strawberry paint, and I really don't want to go there.
Is it worth it? Maybe. I actually end up consuming fewer than 190 calories per can, because I can only choke down so much, and it kinda puts me off eating for hours and hours, because eew, and I feel I owe it to the new car, which is adorable, to be as cute as possible to match. But I think I'm going to have to stick to the chocolate powder mixed with skim, which is actually kinda good.
I'm singing, in my head, "Slimfast slimfast how you taste so bad?" to the tune of that song that goes "sugar sugar how'd you get so fly?" over and over, and whose video involves a hot UPS delivery girl. Apparently it's called Suga Suga and is by Baby Bash featuring Frankie J. Shockingly, the song-in-my-head's grammar is worse than the original. Or maybe I'm supplying the 'd and the actual song really says "sugar sugar how you get so fly." Whatever.
11/9/2006 at 8:28 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
(tune of Brown Sugar)
bah doo doo doo doo
Canned slimfast
how come you taste so bad?
baaaah doo doo doo doo
Canned slimfast
just like a day-old scad, yeah
11/22/2006 at 6:39 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Jessica, I love the adding thing on your blog! I want that!
Okay, now to serious things....
I tried slimfast once and still remember with deep regrets and embarrassment the gas caused me...ohhhh.....it was just awful
You are so right about it tasting metallic - why is that? yuck
I prefer singing "baby got back" to drinking that shit.
I hope you and Reuben have a magnificent Thanksgiving!
I can't wait to see pictures of your new car!