

Dec 03 2005

Day two of holes in my head

I really want to poke at them with my tongue. But then I stop myself, because I'm afraid it will hurt or mess up my healing. But I'm really interested in what's going on in there, and I can't figure out how get things arranged to look in there with a flashlight and mirror.

Doesn't really hurt that well, although I Have Been Warned, so I will continue to pop my Advil at regular intervals.

Also scary: eating and brushing my remaining teeth.

1 comment

  1. Julianna

    Try not to play with the holes too much with your tongue.....also remember to not drink out of a straw or even water bottle that has suction when you drink....you should have blood clots in there and if they come out, you get a nightmare called "dry sockets"....after three days, you'll be out of the woods for those too....

    Try to brush the best you can and it is not unusual for food to get in the holes but it will be fine...

    I'm just glad you got them out.

    Take care.

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