Not even by stupidity.
There's this girl in Pennsylvania who says that, should her biology curriculum mention Intelligent Design, she would have to excuse herself for that portion of the class, potentially causing her to be ostracized by her peers (boo hoo).
Um. Couldn't she just sit still, shut up, and roll her eyes during that part?
Of course I think it's asinine to mention a fairy-dust theory like I.D. in biology class, but all the same, I don't think I should bring suit against the district because I may be made fun of when I absent myself from class when the offensive material is taught. That's just silly, both to care what other high school students think, and to insist on leaving the room merely because what is taught is ridiculous.
Frankly, a lot of what is taught in high school is ridiculous.
1 comment
10/19/2005 at 5:36 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment