Last night the weirdest thing happened to me--I was mostly asleep in the bed, and all of a sudden I was awake and the bed seemed to be vibrating. I thought maybe it was a really small earthquake, but it didn't really seem like one, and it seemed to stop when I picked up my head to look around. Frickin odd.
So I was telling Reuben about it, and he brought up something I had completely forgotten--that he used to bitch about this phenomenon all the time when we still had our old mattress, and would make me get up so he could shove it back into position (the mattress tended to slide off the box spring, which he thought might be causing the vibration). Well, that's not it; the new mattress doesn't slide, and yet he still experiences the vibrating--though he hasn't woken me up complaining about it.
I always used to think he was completely fucking nuts, with the vibrating bed thing. Now I know--we're both completely fucking nuts. Or the bed is vibrating for some mysterious and annoying reason.
1 comment
2/10/2007 at 5:08 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment