Which I didn't intend to be a pun, I promise
Someone broke into our house at some point today while we were both at work. They stole some stuff, but most of the really valuable things were, fortunately, large and heavy, so Reuben's best musical equipment is all still here. They also didn't know expensive jewelry from worthless junk, so stole a bunch of clip-on earrings, probably valued at, like, five bucks a pair, and left my $400 tanzanite and diamond necklace, some gold earrings, and various other genuine-gem earrings. They did steal two video game systems and my tablet PC (and this will be the second time I've had to replace the tablet, grr), but left behind my little iBook (I guess they don't like Macs). And my iPod was cleverly hidden in my gym bag, so that's still here, along with all the four other computers and most, if not all, of the rest of the computer equipment--though it looks like they may have stolen one or two $50 video cards.
At least there's some irony to enjoy--it's a pretty unpleasant sensation, to come home and find that the house has been broken into. The cats are ok, and we really didn't lose that much, but jesus. They left the board they pried the sliding glass door open with in the middle of the goddamned living room.
Pictures may be forthcoming.
This is, absolutely, a cry for sympathy.
Still not sure how they pried the glass door open, or why they would leave a wood post in the middle of the living room. The post doesn't look damaged enough to have been used as a prybar, but maybe I'm underestimating wood. Looks like they came in through the kitchen, possibly grabbed some stuff and then went to the bedroom. They took the pillowcase off of my pillow and presumably used it to gather stuff into. They, or he, took the change next to my nightstand. They pulled out select drawers, by random it seems. They missed all the valuable jewelry, but they did take my digital cameras, the gamecube and controllers, and the ps2. They remembered to take the power adapters for the systems.
Since they jacked my cameras, I stopped at the Target and got the crappiest digital camera they had.
Broken latch
Board in the living room
They got the gamecube controllers
Bye bye cameras
Let's ransack this room with all the papery things
Not interested in photos of me as a kid?
Bed pulled out to look for...something
Nightstand torn apart
Abelard and empty jewelry case
Got the costume jewelry, alright.
What, they didn't want Jessica's jammies?
The neighbors didn't see much of anything. Just a black Ford Focus parked suspiciously outside around 10am. The policeman who came seemed to think we were pretty lucky, and that it was just a (very) stupid kid. After all, he grabbed the gamecube? How much is a gamecube these days?
10/17/2006 at 8:28 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
That is absolutely disgusting.
Don't you feel so violated? Thank goodness neither of you were home or came home.
How the hell do the police know that it was a kid? He (i assume a he) was not innocent in his ransacking - violent. I bet it was someone on drugs or needing drug money. I hate to say that whoever it is probably had been watching your house. This is just awful.
And the fucker left the bottle of wine! no class either! :)
Your poor kitty cat was inside when he was there? That poor baby.
I hope they got finger prints and go after the monster instead of brushing it off "as a kid".
damn......that pisses me off...........
that is just awful....
so smart to take tons of pictures
I'm sure you'll keep finding things that are missing.
so terrible
10/17/2006 at 9:13 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
The only reason that they thought it might have been a kid was that they paid special attention to the video game systems. In any case, there won't be any investigation. These break-ins seemingly happen all the time around here, mostly due to the apartment complex over the wall. It's populated by ... undesirables. The lady across the street had her house broken into 6 times by the same guy (they finally caught him in the act, since he stopped to play Nintendo before absconding with the loot).
Both cats were in the house, but they seem unhurt and not even very skittish. When they heard the door being broken into they probably hid. Thanks for your concern.
10/17/2006 at 10:50 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Forgive me, but I just don't get it. I'm sure it's just the Southern redneck in me, but damn. So because there are so many of them, they just let them get a free pass? That only means that there will be more and more victims.
Shit, my husband still loves video games - whatever the age, they deserve to be punished.
this really pisses me off, i just hate people that make people victims and get away with it.
When I lived alone in Santa Monica, I kept a loaded gun. My friends there were disgusted by that thought - my gorgeous maltese actually slept with me and many times her puppy head was laying on the pillow with the loaded gun underneath - I figured I never heard of a dog shooting a gun and the comfort that I got with it being there, should I ever need it, was gratifying. If someone had broken in, while I was home alone, I had a plan - unload the gun.....once, i had a boyfriend who came back in town early and he was shouting as he was coming in the door "it's me! it's just me!" so i didn't get the gun.
Of course, someone would say that if the two of you had a gun, it would have been stolen by the thug and thus, in his hands for more violence.
I don't think there is a perfect solution, but shit, to just let them do it because it happens all the time?
it sucks.
I'm just glad y'all are okay.