Cindy Sheehan had a son, and he died. Very sad. He was in the military, so his dying wasn't as surprising as the death of your average 25-year-old, well, except to his mom. I mean, yeah, it sucks that there are still soldiers in Iraq, and that they are still dying, but guess what? He deliberately enlisted after the current war started, so very possibly might have had some idea that he would be going to Iraq, where he must have known people occasionally die. Yet his mother is completely astonished that her boy was sent to Iraq and died there.
You know, she would have a lot more credibility (for me at least) if she had started her protesting before her own child was killed, seeing as other people's children were dying almost daily in the same manner her child did. It really looks to me as if she's not so much against people dying in Iraq as she is against her people dying in Iraq.
And she's such an attention whore, what with the camping out, not to mention her idiotic comments about her son dying to protect Israel.
Ain't like I'm necessarily in favor of the Iraq war and continued occupation, and I'm certainly not in favor of people dying of anything but old age unless they really deserve it, but even if I were rabidly against the war, I wouldn't want this woman on my side.
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9/1/2005 at 10:00 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment