Fearmongering. Idiotic fearmongering. You know (or maybe you're fortunate enough not to know), those emails people send that are all FWD:fwd:Fwd:Re:DANGER! And then go on to describe a more or less completely implausible scenario in which you will be knocked out and sold into slavery, infected with AIDS or some other dread disease, or killed, raped, et cetera.
The problem, or at least my problem, is that no one thinks, even a little, before sending these on. Now, granted, I have a lot of storage space in my gmail account, so I'm not likely to run out from all those FWD:fwd:Fwd: emails, but I do find them extremely annoying. People I know are spamming me now. Great. Just what I need. It takes so little time and effort to completely debunk each and every one of these emails I've been sent that it's ludicrous they continue to propagate. Snopes even does all the work for me on lots of them.
Stop it, people, just stop!
1 comment
8/11/2005 at 3:57 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
This morning I reached in to get my receipt from a gas pump and was pricked by a needle with HIV. Then I went to a restaurant that served rat poop in the iced tea. Then my car was stolen by someone who used his cell phone to activate the keyless entry.