Word 2004 has a function to extract pictures from Word docs and save them to a folder. Word X does not. But this doesn't mean that you can't extract pictures from Word docs in Word X--because Preview, the pdf/image viewer, has a function to create a new document from the clipboard. Fancy. So you copy your image in Word, and paste it into Preview, save it as whatever filetype you like (including pdf, whether or not you have Acrobat installed), and there you go. Also, Preview is a really nice, lite PDF viewer, faster to launch than Acrobat by far.
Also, say you want to email someone a whole folder. You have to zip it up, attach it, send it, and then the recipient has to unzip it. Yuck. With OS X's Mail application, you can just drag the folder into your mail message, and Mail will automatically zip it up for you. If the recipient also uses Mail, then he can drag it onto his desktop, and it will automatically unzip. Fancy!
Then of course there's the usual stuff about there being no known spyware for Mac, and very few viruses (mostly Word macro viruses, in fact), the ease of transferring files from one Mac to another (firewire target disk mode is awesome), et cetera. All in all, I'd say it's my favorite operating system available. If only I could afford the hardware...