

Feb 16 2005

Die, comment spam, die

WordPress has some fantastic comment-spam-blocking functionality built in. But if you try to comment about Texas, Poker, or Viagra (et cetera) your comment will be auto-deleted. Sorry. But I'm fairly certain those topics will never be relevant. So I don't care. If you're from Texas and want to say so, abbreviate it to TX or something. And I don't need to hear about your gambling addiction. Or penis troubles.

Anyway. Yeah. No comment spam here.


  1. Julianna

    I found that link I mentioned earlier: http://eatsshootsandleaves.com/ . I would love to
    know what you think of that test about apostrophes and commas and tell us how you scored.
    I actually sucked. Thank you for all of your help!

  2. Jessica

    I got 92%; some of the comma questions were pretty subjective. Whoever wrote the test is a real commaphile. The apostrophe questions were pretty good, though, in that you have to think about what the sentence is saying, then place the apostrophe (and remember the rule about its and it's). The comma part, though---comma placement is a matter of style, to a certain extent, which is why I refuse to try to explain where they should go. Well, that, plus it's too hard and long and involved, and I'm lazy.

  3. Julianna

    A 92!!! Wow. I am impressed. Wow, I am impressed. Wow, I'm impressed. LOL

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