

Feb 10 2005

LPP 14


Loose == not tight. Lose == make gone.

Looser == less tight. Loser == Any of those people who got cut from American Idol last night.

See how awesome I am? I use double-equals like a programmer.


  1. Julianna

    You rock! I want to be a loser and get loose pants. Get it? I'm too fat for my clothes.
    Did I need a comma in that first sentence? before the "and"? I took a grammar quiz and was a
    atrocious with the apostrophe's........did I need one there? Anyway, I did poorly with the
    comma's also. I was taught that "and" replaces commas. Can I do a rough draft of my posts
    for my blog and send them to you for review before I publish them? I would learn a TON!
    I hope you are well. Take care.

  2. Jessica

    No, I will not edit posts---and they don't really need it. Just don't overthink the grammar and punctuation, and it'll be fine. It seems like you and punctuation are like me and left/right---when I think too hard, I will always mix up left and right. Which is way worse than punctuation, because 99% of humans always know their left from their right all the time, and far fewer are aware of all the finer points of English grammar (many, for instance, don't even speak English at all).

    Though I do like editing things. Heh. I voluntarily edited a graduate level Women's Studies paper for a friend, and I don't even particularly like Women's Studies. Because I'm nerdy like that.

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