Today advances were made. I was able to take the old non-CO2 fitting out using a pipe wrench. I bought a new fitting from Airgas and put it into this regulator with Teflon tape, and there were finally no leaks. The pressure side held at about 600 PSI and has been there for several hours.
I plugged water into the Wunder Bar directly from the wall to see what all of the nozzles do. The first thing I thought was that the W was almost certainly where the carbonated water went, and this seems correct. When I connect the water there every button (soda, diet, orange) dispenses water except the "water" button which is supposed to be plain water. However, the S barbed fitting starts spilling water everywhere when you do that...I am so confused.
Next I plugged water into S and the only button that responds is the "water" button. As a temporary solution I've used the turn-screw shutoffs on the Wunder Bar to effectively shut off the S system, thereby making W functional without massive spillage.
I cannot yet test the carbonator, since the water inlet fitting on there is a 3/8" and my hoses are all 1/4" ID. So I'll need to get a new barbed fitting for the carbonator. Once more to the Home Depot.