

Feb 07 2005

I think my cats will eat me if I die

I'm a huge fan of putting bandaids on injuries. For example, I recently had a scrape on the back of my heel, from hiking up a large hill in inappropriate footwear on the way to a job interview. So I bandaid-and-neosporin'd it. Last night I took the bandaid off to check on the wound's progress (it is almost completely healed), and threw it away.

In an uncovered trash can.

This morning, the bandaid was removed from the trash can, which was tipped over. The beasts tipped that trash can over to get at my used bandaid.

This is not the first time this has happened, because I don't always remember to throw bandaids away only in covered trash cans. The cats actively seek out bandaids. And play with them. Because they want to eat me, and my bandaids are the closest they can get to doing so, as I am very much larger than they are.

The additional evidence that they want to eat me that I have collected is too disgusting to mention here, but it's not just bandaids. Oh no. We bought covered trash cans for the bathrooms for a reason. Don't you wish I hadn't said that?