

Feb 04 2005

Best (cemetery) idea ever

So, I was looking at a particular masonry supply place around here, and near it I noticed something really interesting. Directly adjacent to the March Air Reserve Base is a cemetery, the Riverside National Cemetery (for veterans). And part of that cemetery is... a golf course.


In fact, there are gravesites between some of the fairways, since it's not a regularly-shaped chunk. Which, I imagine, really enhances the golfing experience. You know, to be golfing in a graveyard. Surrounded by actual graves with actual decomposing dead veterans. Unfortunately, there probably aren't any dead people under the actual golf course, since the golf course was there first, or at least the first nine holes were.

I suppose this is one way to make sure people will visit your grave---I mean, most cemeteries don't have much besides grass, trees, and gravestones to offer (sometimes not even all of those), but this one offers golf.

1 comment

  1. Reuben

    Gravestones are a rough lie. I recommend the pitching wedge.

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