

Jan 21 2005



I find it excruciating that people say things like "tomorrow is our three month anniversary!" Because this, you see, is nonsense. MONTHS are not YEARS. And anniversaries refer to years. It's in the frickin etymology. Annus = year, as in Anno Domini* ("in the year of the lord" for you non-Latin readers who are also shockingly ignorant, I mean, what did they teach you in school?). It means year. You can't have an anniversary until you've been together for a year. After that you don't get another one until, you guessed it, another year has elapsed, and so on. So just don't do it.

*This, incidentally, is was A.D. stands for, not "after death" as some fools would have you believe. Like, did those thirty years or so that Jesus was alive just not count?

1 comment

  1. Reuben

    Anno Domini ... so, you're straight out ripping me off, now? Not that the whole concept wasn't taken in the first place, but you could at least keep the outright plagiarism to a minimum.

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