Look at this little guy:
Isn't he just the cutest wittle compooter ever? If I had $500 (only 500!!) lying around I'd so have ordered one yesterday.
It's wee and shiny and and and just adorable. And it's an ok computer, too, with a reasonably powerful G4 in it. I mean, this little guy isn't ideal for processor-heavy tasks, though it will do them (a little slowly), and it won't run software that's not for Mac (duh) but for the average user, it's fabulous. Practically ideal for the college-bound Mac user, as it's cheap, little and therefore portable, and perfectly capable. You get to buy your own monitor, keyboard, and mouse, which is nice because Apple peripherals, while beautiful, can be really annoying and expensive. I hate hate hate those Apple Pro mice and keyboards.
If I had one I might name it. And I don't name inanimate objects, evar. I barely name my pets, after all. If Abelard and Eloise were my cats exclusively they might be named "White One" and "Grey One" Or "Little Guy" and "Little Girl" or something like that. I had a rabbit named bunny, after all. But I can see giving this little guy a name, and lavishing affection on him, and freaking the cats out by ejecting CDs from him. It's like the Cube reborn, and I loved the Cubes.
Someone employ me already so I can buy him!!
Oh, and doesn't he look nice with this new WordPress-default color scheme? He wants to be my baby.
1 comment
1/12/2005 at 9:57 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
I continue to be disturbed by your veiled desire for a child.